Telehealth In Chatham
Stuck at home with nagging pain that limits you from enjoying activities you love? Worried you can’t get help?
We understand your aches, pains, and health problems don’t go away even if you’re unable to get out of your home.
How Do Virtual Sessions Work?
Virtual Physical Therapy is very similar to in-person visits. Here’s how:
- We ask you questions.
- We complete some clinical tests specific to your issue.
- We tell you what’s going on so you know why you’re having a problem.
- We give you the best options on how to solve the problem.
- Then, we instruct you in how to solve the problem from your own home and get you back to living without aches and pains and doing all the things you want to do.
Reasons Our Virtual Session Option Is So Popular:
- For those stuck at home (whether because of the Coronavirus or for other reasons…it doesn’t matter!)
- For those who don’t have an easy way to get to the clinic.
- For the people of Morris & Essex counties who feel like it’s just a bit too far to drive.
- For the people who hate getting stuck in traffic trying to get across town.
- For anyone who is just more comfortable having their health taken care of in the comfort of their home!
Want to learn more about Telehealth Therapy?
Call 973-310-2678

Telehealth Testimonials

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