Exceptional Physical Therapy for Active Recovery

Physical therapy is a critical component in the journey to wellness, especially for those recovering from injury, surgery, or managing chronic pain. Our clinic’s physical therapists are not only experts in their field but are also experienced in a broad range of treatment modalities designed to keep you active and support your recovery.

Highly Qualified Physical Therapy Experts

Each of our physical therapists comes with a substantial background of education and practical experience. Their expertise is built on solid foundations of advanced degrees and certifications, coupled with years of treating patients with a variety of conditions and injuries.

Customized Treatment Approaches in Chatham

Recognizing that every patient has unique needs, our therapists specialize in creating customized treatment plans. These plans are meticulously developed to address the individual’s specific injuries, surgical recovery needs, or chronic conditions, ensuring a more effective and personal recovery experience.

Comprehensive Treatment Spectrum

We take pride in our therapists’ versatility and their ability to provide an extensive range of treatments. Below are some of the core treatment types offered by our expert therapists.

What we Treat

Back Pain and Sciatica

Do you wake up in the morning with that nagging back pain? Are you feeling achy pain in your back, buttock, or even thigh? Are you having to watch what you do, because you are afraid you may hurt your back?



Incontinence is the loss of bladder control. Incontinence can be as simple as leaking urine from coughing to severe cases where you feel the urge to urinate and can end up not getting to…



Are you tired of feeling discouraged since the birth of your baby, thinking you’ll never be able to recover and get your body back to what it was before? Do you want to be relieved of the weakness in your abdominal…


Elbow, Wrist, or Hand Pain

Are you suffering from recurrent elbow, wrist, or hand pain that doesn’t seem to get better? There are several reasons why you may experience pain or stiffness in these areas of the body. We use our elbows, wrists..


Foot or Ankle Pain

Physical therapy has been proven to help with the rehabilitation of injured extremities, in addition to providing relief for both acute and chronic pain. You spend an incredible amount of time using your feet every day, and if you are suffering from foot..



Headaches can be caused by a variety of factors, including stress, tension, poor posture, and muscle weakness. While medication is often the go-to solution for treating headaches, physical therapy can also be an effective..


Hip & Knee pain

Your hips and knees are the largest joints in your body. While many people may experience hip pain or knee pain on their own, it is also common to experience them together as well. You may first notice hip pain..


Neck Pain

Neck pain can be very debilitating, particularly if it stretches down to the shoulders. If left untreated, it can become more severe and may require surgery. Sharp pains in the neck can make it difficult to function properly..



Are you worried about pelvic pain that doesn’t go away no matter how many hot packs you apply, or how much rest you get? Are you frustrated that doctors keep telling you having pelvic pain is just something…



Are you worried about pelvic organ prolapse that doesn’t go away no matter how many Kegels you do or how strong your core is? Are you frustrated that you are told that you can’t workout like you want…



Pregnancy and childbirth are some of the most incredible and transformative experiences a woman can go through. As your body changes to accommodate your growing baby, you may find yourself facing a variety…



Pregnancy is an amazing gift, but let’s be honest…it’s not all rainbows and unicorns.Your back hurts, your hips are sore, and you find daily activities that used to be easy are now significantly harder.



If you’re an avid tennis or pickleball player struggling with nagging joint pain, muscle strains, or tendonitis that prevents you from playing your best, you don’t have to suffer in silence. Body Moksha Physical…


Advanced Certifications and Continuous Education

The field of physical therapy is ever-evolving, and our therapists stay at the forefront through continuous education and advanced certifications. They regularly attend workshops and seminars to stay updated with the latest research and techniques in physical therapy.

Holistic Approach to Wellness

Our practice takes a holistic approach, focusing not just on the site of pain or injury but on the overall well-being of our patients. We address lifestyle factors, ergonomics, nutritional advice, and provide strategies for stress management, all of which play a vital role in the recovery process.

Your Active Life Awaits in Chatham

With our team of expert and experienced physical therapists, your active life is within reach. Whether it’s recovering from an injury, managing pain, or improving your overall physical function, we are here to support you every step of the way. Trust in our expertise, and let us guide you back to the active life you deserve.