Physical Therapy: Is Feeling Pain After an Evaluation Normal?
Physical therapy helps people recover from traumatic injuries and conditions, allowing them to live a healthy and more active lifestyle. However, some people experience slight pain after their...
Is It Safe To Crack My Neck When I Have Neck Pain?
When we feel the beginning of that creak in our necks all we want is to crack it and go about our day. But what happens if you’re already suffering from neck pain? Is it safe to crack your neck...
Why Dr. Google or YouTube Shouldn’t Be Your Go-To for What Ails You
Have you ever had unusual pain or health concerns and turned to Google or YouTube for answers? You’re not alone. Most adult Americans search online for medical info on their symptoms and possible...
Is the Food Pyramid Still Relevant? Why or Why Not?
Healthy eating is just as important as exercise and physical therapy to maintain your overall health and prevent injury. Good nutrition means knowing what to avoid as well as knowing what to eat....
Gardening – Managing Neck/Back/Shoulder Pain
Gardening is a rewarding hobby and a passion, but it has its costs. Don’t let pain prevent you from continuing to enjoy your hobbies. Physical therapy, a consistent exercise routine, and a plan for...