What Is Shockwave Therapy And How Can It Help Me

What Is Shockwave Therapy And How Can It Help Me

August 9, 2024

What Is Shockwave Therapy And How Can It Help Me

Shockwave therapy is a new and upcoming non-invasive treatment that is changing the way we address pain and enhancing the recovery process for many of our patients. In this blog, we’ll discuss what Shockwave Therapy is, how it works, and how it can help you even if you’ve tried other traditional methods of recovery from an injury or chronic pain. 

Understanding What Shockwave Therapy Is:

I’m sure at one point or another, we’ve all had an instance where we try to research our aches and pains and find ways we can address them, but the online explanations all sound like gibberish. What do you mean Neuro-Musculo-Synergistic Kinetic Resonance Optimization Protocol?? 

In all seriousness, it’s hard to buy into something when you don’t fully understand the process, science, and benefits behind them. At our clinic, we aim to break down the super nerdy sciency stuff into digestible, normal people words. 

How it works:

Shockwave therapy is a treatment where we send tiny, powerful pulses of energy and vibrations into specific areas of your body. Through these targeted efforts, we are able to trigger a natural healing process. This treatment creates microtrauma (tiny injuries) that tell your body, “Hey, we need to fix this.” As a result,  we are able to experience increased blood flow, reduced inflammation, and pain reduction amongst many other benefits. 

Shockwave Therapy is most commonly used to treat a variety of conditions and issues such as: 

  • Tendonitis
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome 
  • Shoulder Tendinopathy 
  • Muscle Injuries 
  • Stress Fractures 
  • Joint Pain

The Benefits: 

While the exact benefits you experience may vary depending on your specific issues and how your body reacts, typically you can expect to experience the following:

  1. Pain Reduction: Shockwave therapy stimulates the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, and interferes with pain signals, leading to reduced perception of pain.
  2. Tissue Repair and Regeneration:  The mechanical stress from shockwaves triggers cellular responses, promoting the release of growth factors. This, in turn, stimulates the healing process and encourages the regeneration of damaged tissues.
  3. Improved Blood Circulation: Shockwaves enhance blood flow by dilating blood vessels in the treated area. This increased circulation ensures better delivery of oxygen and nutrients, while also aiding in the removal of waste products
  • Reduced Inflammation: Shockwave therapy may modulate the inflammatory response by influencing cytokine* production, leading to a reduction in inflammation and associated symptoms.

* Think of cytokines as messengers in the body. When there’s something going on, like an injury or infection, cells release these tiny proteins to communicate with each other. It’s like a team of little helpers passing notes to coordinate the body’s response.

  • Fast Recovery: By promoting accelerated healing and tissue repair, shockwave therapy can contribute to a faster recovery compared to traditional treatments.
  1. Versatility: The ability of shockwave therapy to address various conditions is linked to its capacity to stimulate diverse cellular responses, making it applicable to a range of musculoskeletal issues.

How Shockwave Therapy Can Help You: 

Shockwave therapy expedites recovery by stimulating the body’s natural healing mechanisms, making it particularly advantageous for treating sports-related injuries like muscle strains, ligament and tendon issues, and stress fractures. The treatment’s ability to provide pain relief, both acutely and for chronic conditions such as plantar fasciitis or tennis elbow, is a valuable asset for athletes seeking sustainable solutions. Its non-invasive nature aligns with athletes’ preferences for treatments that minimize downtime, offering a viable alternative to surgery. Additionally, shockwave therapy improves blood circulation to targeted areas, enhancing overall tissue health and supporting optimal musculoskeletal function. Athletes find it to be a versatile option applicable to various injuries, contributing not only to recovery but also potentially reducing the risk of future injuries. 


In the end, Shockwave is a super diverse treatment backed by a myriad of case studies, sciences, and evidence. Through its multifaceted ability to treat a wide range of conditions, Shockwave Therapy may be the one treatment that will finally work for you.

If you are curious about learning more about Shockwave Therapy and are interested in seeing if Shockwave Therapy might be right for you, our team is here to support you! 

Call or text us at 973-310-2678 to learn more. Or email us at info@bodymoksha.com.

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