Is Physical Therapy Right For Me?
Is Physical Therapy Right For Me?When it comes to an injury or experiencing any kind of chronic pain, usually the first thought that comes to mind is: “I need to make a doctor’s appointment” or “I...
How To Find The Best Physical Therapist In Chatham, NJ
You’ve finally decided that physical therapy is the best option for you and your health and you’re ready to take the next step to improve your quality of life. As you start your search for the best...
Physical Therapy vs. Massage Therapy — What’s The Difference?
When you’re first met with a pain problem or injury – you immediately try to figure out the best way to solve your issue so you can get back to feeling good again. Whether the problem has gone on...
Injury Prevention: Why Warming Up Before Exercise Is Important
Are you an active individual? Do you love going for casual walks around the park or training for marathons? Is the gym your happy place? Being someone who enjoys exercise — whether recreationally or...
How To Get The Most Out Of Physical Therapy
After going through the process of searching for the right physical therapist — you’ve chosen Body Moksha Physical Therapy and booked your first session. While you may be feeling excited to get...
What Does “Active Rest” Mean?
Do you work out? If so, how often do you exercise? Whether you’re trying to lose weight or get buff, working for your health or confidence, you may be in a rush to see results. You may think working...
Physical Therapy for Carpal Tunnel
You likely use your hands for most daily activities. If you have a hand condition like carpal tunnel syndrome, it may not be easy to look after yourself, your home, and others in your care. Whether...
4 Reasons You’re Not Sleeping Well
Waking up is exhausting or even painful for some. Getting only a few hours of sleep every night can be frustrating. Say goodbye to poor sleep with physical therapy. Experts at Body Moksha Physical...
Signs of a Frozen Shoulder or Adhesive Capsulitis
Have you noticed stiffness or discomfort gradually worsening in your shoulder? If so, you may have adhesive capsulitis or “frozen shoulder.” Fortunately, those who manage these joint and muscle...
When Is MRI Imaging Appropriate During an Evaluation?
MRI imaging is relatively common in the physical therapy world. Countless physical therapists use MRI imaging to help diagnose specific ailments and examine damaged or irritated joints, tissues,...